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Series Review: Twisted Series

Trigger Warnings: childhood trauma, suicide, eating disorders, depression, harassment

Twisted Love

Ava has always been vulnerable, after an incident that took place in her childhood resulting in the suicide of her mother, and when her brother Josh who has always been there for her, leaves for South America, the responsibility begrudgingly falls to Josh’s best friend, Alex. But when Alex makes a commitment to something, he means it, and Ava’s safety becomes Priority Number One, no exceptions.

The first in the series, Twisted Love follows Alex Volkov, closed-off but protective billionaire and Ava Chen, little sister to Alex’s best friend Josh. It really sets the mark for the whole series, and the skill of Ana Huang as an author with her ability to foreshadow and write the most annotatable quotes.

I enjoyed the drama of this book. It gave off action movie/thriller vibes due to the mystery and emotion of both Alex’s and Ava’s past. Some of the twists I didn’t see coming at all and it made it such an addictive page-turner.

Without giving any spoilers I particularly loved the twist at the end, it really played into Ava’s character development and the way Huang wrote it felt authentic as it tested the integrity of Alex and Ava’s relationship.

Star Rating – 4 stars


  • Grumpy x Sunshine

  • Billionaire Romance

  • Brother’s Best Friend

Twisted Games

Rhys Larsen is a book boyfriend’s name you’ve probably heard of, and with good reason. Bodyguard to a member of the Eldorran Royal Family, Bridget is the one woman Rhys can’t have and the one he wants most.

Royal romance is not a genre I’ve read a lot of but think of Twisted Games like a spicey Princess Diaries. The forbidden love element really added into the slow burn nature of this romance, which takes place over four years, and it tested the depth of their feelings for each other which I loved.

I also really enjoyed the feminist element to this book, as Bridget and Rhys work together to overcome obstacles to try and be together, and the development of Bridget from a friend of Ava in Twisted Love to a strong, fierce woman worthy and deserving of everything and more.

Star Rating: 4 stars


  • Royal romance

  • Grumpy x Sunshine

  • Forbidden Love

  • Forced Proximity

Twisted Hate

The third book in the series, this enemies to lovers, dark romance follows Josh Chen and Jules Ambrose, one of his little sister, Ava’s, best friends.

I hate to say it, but this one was not for me. I really wanted to love it, enemies to lovers is a trope I am a big fan of due to the banter and angst between the characters, but there were some things about it that I just couldn’t reconcile, in particular with Josh.

I see Josh as a bright, sunny, affable character, with a job as a doctor, and even though him and Jules have a cantankerous relationship and she brings out the worst in him (he calls her Red as she makes him see red), I felt as they got to know each other more it would have been more authentic for him to be more himself. In fact, at times, he said and did things that really jarred with me, and it felt like it was written in such a way to play into the ‘dark romance’ genre, which at times made me uncomfortable. It simply didn’t gel for me.

I will caveat this with the fact that a lot of people loved this book. I loved that Huang stayed true to the enemies to lovers throughout the story, even as the characters began to develop feelings for one another and their angst regarding this. There were some scenes between the characters that are certainly quote worthy, but overall I wasn’t a fan.

Star Rating: 2 stars


  • Enemies to Lovers

  • Best friend’s brother

  • Forced Proximity

Twisted Lies

Saving the best until last! This book made me feel every emotion and I loved it.

Twisted Lies follows the fourth friend in the friendship group, Stella Alonso, and billionaire owner of a high-profile security firm, Christian Harper.

I mean it when I say this book is fantastic, I genuinely couldn’t put it down. The overbearing, protective nature of Christian made perfect sense with his character, and I loved the contrast between his private personality and Stella’s public one being an influencer. Like Twisted Love, this book had lots of drama and there was a secondary thriller-style plot, and the reader was very much taken on the mystery with the characters.

I could just keep listing everything I loved about this book, but I don’t want to head into spoiler territory so please just read it…then let me know so I can gush about it with you!

Star Rating: 5 stars


  • Grumpy x Sunshine

  • Fake Dating

  • Billionaire Romance

  • Forced Proximity

  • He falls first

The Twisted Series

How to sum up these four books?

Addictive, romantic, intoxicating, angsty, dangerous, dramatic, exciting, gripping, emotional, and well-written.

There is a reason these books are so popular and also more of a reason why every person seems to have a different favourite – the skill and talent of Ana Huang.

If you like dramatic dark romance, with protective (and often rich) men and fierce, independent, driven women, then I would urge you to read the Twisted Series.

Star Rating: 4/5

Fav Quotes:

‘Those rose-tinted glasses look good on you, Sunshine.’ – Alex Volkov

‘If you let lesser people determine your self-worth, you’ll never reach higher than their limited imagination.’ – Alex Volkov

‘I can’t stay away from you. Even when you’re not there, you’re everywhere. In my head, in my lungs, in my fucking soul.’ – Rhys Larsen

‘You asked me if I’d ever been in love. I said no… Ask me again, princess.’ – Rhys Larsen

‘Because you’re it for me.’ – Josh Chen

‘Any man would be an idiot to let you go if there was even a chance with you.’ – Josh Chen

‘I think you’re one of the most fascinating men I’ve ever met… Tell me more about yourself, and I might promote you to top of the list.’ – Stella Alonso

‘Because you’re all I can fucking think about no matter where I am or who I’m with and the thought of you hurt or upset make me want to raze this city to the ground… I’ve never wanted someone more and I’ve never hated myself more for it.’ – Christian Harper

‘I notice everything about you.’ – Christian Harper

‘The day I met you…was the luckiest day of my life. You’ve always been the brightest part of my world, Butterfly. And you always will be.’ – Christian Harper


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